We are a UK IT company. We mainly cover the South West region, and Shropshire region, however we also have customers as far away as Scotland so are not limited to the South West or Shropshire. We also specialise in camera and imaging systems specifically in the field of microscopy, with services provided to our sister company, Brunel Microscopes Ltd.

What do we offer? We offer anything related to IT services, and also a few other things! For IT services we offer provision of any hardware, repairs, support, remote support, programming services, website design and service, hosting (on our own servers, not 3rd party), dedicated servers, custom PC builds, hardware and software supply, and much, much more, if you have any issue or you are looking for anything then please get in touch with us and we will do what we can to help and assist you.
If you just need something as simple as day to day administration, or support, then we can provide this.

Hardware RepairsServer HostingEmail AccountsWebsite Hosting/Web Hosting
Remote & Onsite SupportNetworking SolutionsOnline ShopProgramming Services
Phone SystemsCustom PC BuildsCCTV systemsDay to Day support and administration

and much more, and if there is something we do not currently do that you need, we will endevour to provide.

For more information on any of our installtion services, management services, or just general support, please see the Services Menu.


We offer repair services and reports for any IT hardware, from PC/Laptop to iPhones/iMACs, you can either drop it into our offices or ship to us, we will then assess the problem and report back the cost of any repair needed, you can then decide to go ahead with the reapir or not, if not a small inspection fee will apply, if you do then there is no inspection fee just the cost of the repair.

Support Services

We offer different levels of support. Basic 'pay-as-you-go' support which is usually remote access support, you only pay for the time you are supported, this has a minimum time of 30 minutes, but can be done over the phone or remotely with our remote access utilities. If the issue requires our repair services we would suggest this as the next step.
The support contracts are primarily for businesses, this is where there is a quartly fee for support services, this ensures you have a SLA (Service Level Agreement) as in we will respond in a very short time, please get in touch if you would like a quote.

Online Shop

Our online shop is integrated into this website, all you need to do is go to the 'Shop' option in the menu above to browse our products available, you can then add them to the basket and do through our secure shopping cart and payment gateway. Any items will be directly shipped to you on next working day delivery where possible.
If there is anything you require that is not on this website, please contact us as will will endeavour to get these for you.

Server Hosting

We can host your own server(s) in our dedicated hosting center or you can rent a server from us from as little as £99.00 a month for a basic system, please contact us and we can build a specification and price for your hosting requirements, or your server specification. The hosting includes 24/7 Manned Security, 27/4 Network Monitoring, Multi Cross Connection Tier 1 carriers, and much more, including management and server statics via your account on our website.

Domain Name Hosting and Registration

Our domain registration has 2 types of account, the first is parking only which allows you to park your domain names and use external DNS and hosting for your domain name, or a hosting account which includes the provision for hosting for the domain name, DNS, Web hosting space and email
Depending on the account you need depends on the pricing for the account, the parking account is the cheapest account type, you can still use our email front-end servers, which will accept email for your domain, use our integrated spam systems, then send the email on to the email server/mailbox for you. The anti-spam servers allow for your own personal Whitelisting and Blacklisting of email addresses, domain names, or server IP addresses or ranges, which means it is more flexible than most whitelisting or blacklisting services, you can also receieve reports on what was blocked by the systems so you can easily adapt things as required.

Registered Office: 67 & 68 St Mary Street,
Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 3JF
Company Registered in England.No. 10623510
VAT Registration Number: 262586385
© Brunel Computing Ltd 2025